Series: Mixed Stories, Coloured Stories, Black Stories in Red, White stories in Red, Stories in Blue, Stories in Green.
White Stories told by white people are different than Coloured Stories told by coloured people. I do not want to judge about these stories. I just want to say that these differences are interesting. They make me think, they make me cry and they make me happy. The diversity of people can be so powerful, beautiful, creative and innovative. However, a good dose of empathy, tolerance, respect and humor will undeniably be required. Personally I think it is much more interesting to have a mixed, diverse community with different ideas, fashion, music, thoughts and appearances. This is why I love Amsterdam. Here, people from all kinds of backgrounds live together. Sometimes the friction calls for a search for good balance, but mostly, the colour and diversity spark creativity
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2020 Marie Renee Hoeks. All rights reserved.